Best Gardens of Prague - BONUS - Explore Prague

Prague has absolutely amazing gardens and parks. Some of them are more known than the others, however, if you’re looking for relaxed afternoon you should definitely think about visiting some of the spots we mentioned in our video. They are not the only ones though. There are plenty others you can check out so here we have few bonus ones which we think are worth visiting as well

Petřín Garden

Petřín garden is a well known hill directly under Petří tower (the Eiffel tower looking thing next to the Prague Castle). Hillside facing the city is especially popular among locals, who love to come with friends and enjoy relaxed afternoon with good view of the city.


Parukářka park

Parukářka is a park we mentioned in our Žižkov video. Located only few stops from the city center in residential district of Žižkov, it’s a lovely park with cool view of Žižkov TV tower and Prague Castle. If you decide to go, don’t forget to pick your strudel from Štrúdlárna – small bakery directly underneath the hill. No clue what am I talking about? Check out our Žižkov video


Vojanovy sady

This park is really well hidden directly in the city center, only few steps from Wallenstein Garden. It’s a very quiet garden (which is maybe give by the fact there’s only one single small entrance and most of the people just pass by. Check it out!


Letná Park

We did a whole video about Letná. Popular area for locals, who love to come to this hill for morning run, relaxed afternoon playing some outdoor games or just visiting a beer garden located at one edge of this park. Want to know more? Check our video we did about it here.



Stromovka is one of Prague’s larges park and ideal spot for a family afternoon. You can let your kids loose to run around, explore this amazing large park and maybe stop at some of its small beer gardens or kiosks to get an ice cream or a cold beer. Also – have a mentioned it’s near Prague Zoo, which is ranked as one of the top ones in the world? 🙂 



So, we hope you’ll enjoy great afternoon exploring Prague’s most amazing gardens. Which one was your favorite? Let us know it the comments bellow!!! 🙂